Carrera 2B # 25 - 15 Barrio Hato 2. Funza, Cundinamarca. Colombia.

Somos un colegio privado y gratuito. ¡Tu aporte transformará vidas!


+57 (1) 826-57 88

Whatsapp 3122563224

Cra. 2b # 25 - 15

Funza, C/marca.

6:30 am-3:00 pm

Lunes a Viernes


+57 (1) 826-57 88

Cra. 2b # 25 - 15

Funza, C/marca.

6:30 am-3:00 pm

Lunes a Viernes

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We are a free, private school with
an emphasis on Human Values ​​for life

Through the 5 fundamental Human Values ​​and the 5 techniques to teach them, the character and personality of the child is shaped.

–Sathya Sai Baba

Our School provides free education for the children of the most vulnerable families of the town of Funza, highlighting its human excellence as the basis for academic excellence. We form human beings with bright minds and kind hearts by cultivating in our students the 5 fundamental Human Values: Peace, Love, Righteousness, Truth and Nonviolence.

"Politics without principles, education without character, science without humanity and commerce without ethics, are not only useless, they are openly dangerous. It is much more necessary to seek the character than the intellect."

Sathya Sai Baba
Founder of the program

We promote unity, equality and peaceful coexistence among others.







Allies who believe in us

The end of education is character. Education without character is useless.