Carrera 2B # 25 - 15 Barrio Hato 2. Funza, Cundinamarca. Colombia.

Somos un colegio privado y gratuito. ¡Tu aporte transformará vidas!


+57 (1) 826-57 88

Whatsapp 3122563224

Cra. 2b # 25 - 15

Funza, C/marca.

6:30 am-3:00 pm

Lunes a Viernes


+57 (1) 826-57 88

Cra. 2b # 25 - 15

Funza, C/marca.

6:30 am-3:00 pm

Lunes a Viernes

About us

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Our vision

In 2018 we will be an educational model institution for a new way of educating, where our objective is to form human beings/ children with character and awareness of their Divine essence, expressed in love and service to society. We will participate in the creation of a new world based on the Human Values ​​of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Nonviolence.

Our Mision

We are a free and private school created with the purpose of forming students’ character and transforming the educational community. This done through the EduCare philosophy and the Sathya Sai Pedagogy of integral education, for the development of the being and the disclosure of our Divine essence.

Human Values

Sathya Sai Baba, a spiritual teacher of India, states that the Peace of the world is achieved through the practice of the Human Values ​​of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Nonviolence. For this purpose, he proposes the implementation of a philosophy and an educational methodology known as EduCare. EduCare has its origin in the latin word «educare», which means to extract.


  • Divinity is love and is the underlying current of all Human Values.
  • EduCare extracts Human Values ​​from the interior of the being and puts them into action in everyday life.
  • The purpose of education is to lead a fully human and spiritual life.
  • The end of education is character and character manifests as the unity of thought, word and action.